joi, 13 octombrie 2011

Guide to Compile PSN NPDRM Games for PS3 Custom Firmware

Following up on the previous PSN game decryption news, today mallory has made available the PS3Tools NPDRM source code for reactivating PSN content followed by a brief guide from the included ReadMe file below for PS3 Custom Firmware users.

From the included PS3Tools NPDRM ReadMe file:

Based off of gitbrew's 215d8903bc86539ca1da53519e2ac10eeafc4c27 ps3tools. .git folder not included to protect senstive info about the author. Sorry about the messed up tabs, TAB = 4 SPACES 4 LYFE!!!

  • Add the files in the npdrm_keystuff folder to your ps3 keys folder.
  • Create a file with your console's 16 byte IDPS in the 'idps' file in your ps3 keys folder (e.g. ~/.ps3/idps).
  • Copy your PS3's exdata folder containing your act.dat and rif files to your ps3 keys dir (e.g. ~/.ps3/exdata/act.dat). Compile and have fun with your LEGALLY purchased NPDRM games!
  • Also works on free games without exdata/idps.

Apologies for any existing bugs in unself. Adding these changes to unself2 is left as an exercise for the reader.

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